Under questionable circumstances some camouflaged bidding parties (companies which are closely related to the dotasia-auctioneer pool.com), caught many top-domains in .asia-auctions.
Read the whole amazing story !
Novembre 17th 2009: DotAsia sent us some "answers" to our questions about the "new auction". Result: Nothing! The cheating party is already part of the auction.
Octobre 29th 2009: Mail from DotAsia: "We would like to follow-up with you on our previous email. Please confirm whether you would like to proceed with the auction as described below." As an answer, we sent a few questions to DotAsia.
Octobre 8th 2009: Mail from DotAsia: "Since the original auction was suspended, we are now planning to resume the auction at a different auction provider, SnapNames (www.SnapNames.com). We would like to seek for your confirmation that you would like to proceed with the auction at this new provider. We will contact you with the auction schedule and more details in due course."
January 19th 2009: Nothing happened until today. Wether pool.com nor the Registry showed any reaction. The following domain-auctions ( phone.saia, find.asia, email.asia, e-mail.asia, drugs.asia ), which we reclaimed with an uncorrectly involvement of pool.com are still not opened (after closing by registry 6 months before). Seems that they want to sit out the problem. We are now preparing all documents to send a complaint to MOFCOM
July 8th 2008: What did Mr. Schreier, CEO of pool.com and his lawyer said? Drake is only a customer of pool? They should know it better, because we have proofed the documents from Barbados and the truth is: Robert C. Hall is the chairman of the auctioneer pool.com and he is also the director of Drake Domains Corp., the Barbados company, which caught many valuable domains in the .asia-auctions. Read our new press release about.
June 26th 2008: We have just received explosive documents (from the chamber of commerce in Barbados) to authenticate our allegations, that some bidding parties are closely related to the auctioneer pool. The documents will be checked by our lawyer, and we will publish these facts within the next days.
May 19th 2008: Another statement of Mr. Schreier and simultaneous the movement and whois-changes of drakedomainscorp.com. From nippy Canada to sunny Barbados? Or stay with friends in Bridgetown? Here are some more questions to Mr. Schreier.
May 16th 2008: See our questions to this statement of Mr. Schreier. And see updated notes.
May 15th 2008: Richard Schreier responds to the reproaches (here, too).
May 15th 2008: Press Release of DotAsia (and have a look on this mail from CEO of dotAsia dated April 24th 2008- attend the bold text there)May 15th 2008: The lawyers of Richard Schreier wants me to disable the website. I forwarded this letter to my lawyer.
May 14th 2008: The press reported: DomainNameJournal, DomainNews.com, DoaminNameNews.com
May 14th 2008: First discussions at consultdomain.de (german), domainforum.info (german)
May 14th 2008: Statement of DotAsia
May 13th 2008: We sent out a press release and this website started..