April 11th 2008: Our provider sends the detailed report to dotasia
To: Leona Chen <l e o n a @ r e g i s t r y . a s i a>
Date: 11.04.2008, 15:22:46
Subject: Re: Urgent: Manipulating auctions by pool
Dear Leona Chen,
as promised we have finished the pool-drake-dossier.
See document here (zipped PDF 3.4 MB)
As you can see, there are multiple connections between DRAKE Ventures Limited and your auctioneer POOL. DRAKE Ventures Limited is a company owned by the CEO of POOL, named Mr. Richard Schreier. His mission: By using DRAKE he wants to catch a lot of domains in your sunrise-process and in the auctions, which are managed by his other company POOL.
We, and also our lawyer are agree, that this relationship is fully proofed by evidences in written form.
Please have a look to the pdf-file above, there we provide several evidences for these information.
And again we suggest to stop all auctions in which DRAKE is involved.
And also we hope, that our customers will be reactivated in the auctions soon.
We are awaiting your statment now.
Best regards from germany,