April 15th: Answer from Edmon Chung, CEO of dotasia
From: e d m o n @ d o t a s i a . o r g (Edmon Chung)
Date: 15.04.2008, 15:01:07
Subject: RE: Urgent: Manipulating auctions by pool
Dear ....,
First of all, thank you very much for your patience on the matter. As Leona must have explained to you, we are very much concerned with the issues that you have raised and take the situation very seriously.
Would like to let you know that we have strict rules regarding Conflict of Interest procedures with Pool.com. We have communicated the issues you have raised with Pool.com and are conducting further investigation on the matter as well as continue to monitor the situation.
In order to immediately address your concerns and to demonstrate our dedication towards a fair and comfortable platform for registrants to obtain the domain names they want, we will suggest to reschedule some of the auctions in question at a separate platform, ....
Please let us know if you think this arrangement is appropriate. If so, we will work to implement and execute on it immediately. We will need to coordinate with the .ASIA Registrar you are working with as well.
Furthermore, as we have put out an advisory on Tampering of Auctions, we will also post a special advisory on this issue and explain our views and to let others know that if they feel that there is any Tampering of the Auctions, to let us know. Do you think this would alleviate your concerns and help to appropriate address the issues raised?
Edmon Chung