April 22th: Answer from CEO of dotasia, Edmon Chung
From: e d m o n @ d o t a s i a . o r g (Edmon Chung)
Date: 22.04.2008, 15:01:51
Subject: RE: Urgent: Manipulating auctions by pool
Hi ...,
Very good to hear from you.
Do know that we very much appreciate the information you have provided us and will do our best to ensure that we address your concerns satisfactorily to ensure the integrity of the entire process. I feel we are very committed and not sure why you say we are non-committal.
The aforementioned auctions were suspended due to complaints received by the registry. We will reschedule the auctions on a separate platform that either the registry will run directly over email, instant messaging or other electronic means, OR we will work with a separate provider which both parties are comfortable with. If you have a suggestion, they would be most welcomed.
Being a party related to a bidding party, in my understanding, does not automatically create any issue. As mentioned, we have clear understanding with Pool that employees and contractors that have access to the .Asia auctions are not allowed to also work on clients or related organizations regarding the auctions.
We are very committed to making sure that a fair and comfortable platform can be used for the auctions. That includes treating "Drake" as a party fairly as well.
Your suggestions to additional measures will also be more than welcomed.
As mentioned in my previous email, we plan to draft and issue an advisory regarding situations were bidders feel uncomfortable.
If there are elements of that advisory that you think would be appropriate, please let me know as well, so we could included into it to address your concerns.